Hi all, I have 13 coats of antifoul on my Lochin 333, which I would like to remove. Pressure washing has removed the barnicles and weed but the surface is still very rough. Caustic has been suggested, what are your views and recomendations. Hope you can help, regards, Will.
I had a similar situation when I bought Lady Jayne. Some areas had chipped and peeled away and then been painted over so the surface was really poor. I had the whole uinderwater areas slurry blasted and then epoxy coated before re-coating with antifouling. It still looks good 1 year on.
There are a few contractors usually mobile who offer this service, I know a guy who is local to me (West of Scotland) if that helps. If not your local yard probably has some contacts.
I only started this threat after I initially attempted the job with a scraper made from a mechanical haxsaw blade. I used this method on a 22' Colvic and the antifoul came off quite easily. However the antifoul on the Lochin is a higher quality and my scraper wouldn't look at it.
Today a friend of mine lent me a vacuum scraper which you pull instead of push. It has a hollow handle so that it can be used with a hoover. Aparently they were designed specifically for antifoul removal. They cost about £20 and are absolutly brilliant. I cleaned off an area about 6' x 3' in about 30 minutes.
I found a few other forums which mentioned slurry blasting and it looks the proper job. They also mentioned a ball park figure of £15 per foot.