We always look for a fishing spot on the edge of a shallow sandbank ( 6 ft.) and deeper water ( ca. 40 ft) Already from wind force 4 against the tidal steam, we get a bumpy sea on this spots and it looks if the waves come from all directions. Not a problem for fishing, but for sailing home Tommie, while she has the bolded on spray rails, is a very wet boat in this sea's. Sometimes it looks as if there is more water above Tommie then under it. It stops at a speed of 16 - 17 kn. but I don't like the big bangs on Tommie's hull in this steep short waves. When looking on this site to unusual Lochins I see that some of the unusual's have double spray rails. Will this make Tommie a dry boat at say 12 kn. ? or is it a lot of work for little effect ?
I think the pics are of Lochin 38s for some reason they have the spray rails up there where as the 33s like mine have them at water level. No idea why but I'm sure somebody on here will tell us (Simon???) It wouldn't be too difficult fitting them so high up but the lower down ones are definitely an out of the water job