Hi Geoff, A happy christmas and a prosperous new tear to you too mate and everyone else. My christmas present is at last ready and as soon as the weather improves I shall be bringing 'Sorcerer' home to Brixham. We had a problem with one of the gearboxes on sea trial and the manufacturer wanted it back for inspection, which was a bit of a pain! Anyway, Volvo said the props needed tweaking slightly to get max revs and correct loading. On trials she hit a top speed of 30.5 knots in choppy conditions, fuelled up and four people on board. The Volvo QL blade tabs work exceptionally well and just require a light touch to trim the boat. All the best, Dave.
Hi Dave, I bet your thrilled with the performance ... 30.5 knots!!! and i bet with a lighter load there's going to be another couple of knots or so by the time everything settles down. Have a great trip back to Brixham, i also have read good reviews on the Ql trim blades and anything that doesnt need to be antifouled is a bonus.
Enjoy your Xmas and wish you a great 2011, im sure you wont be at home that much for a while!
Seasons greetings to you all and hope you have a belting 2011
Wow Dave 30.5kn who won the sweepstake?
Just done a 3 day trip 400 miles no hold ups no jack knifed lorries no delayed planes or trains infact hardly any traffic at all - wish we could go everywhere by sea!!!
From us all at Lochin we wish the forum members a very happy season to come.
You have probably noticed the new web site by now - launched on Christmas Eve so we hope you like it! There's still some tweeking to be done but we would appreciate your feedback!
The year beckons and Dave has his new boat so it's all very exciting. The performance is exceptional and we are arranging to carry out some trials with Dave in the new year to evaluate particularly the 'V' drive engine installation which is a first in twin form. The work undertaken by the builders was truely exceptional and congratulations to them for their attention to detail and standards acheived.
Our new 339 design is coming along apace with our concentration at the moment on the wheelhouse plug and moulds but Amgram are working on the hull design for us and we hope to organise the making of the tooling in the early new year. This has been a long time coming and something we are all excited about. The first new Lochin design for 10 years and possibly the most radical. We have some very interesting ideas and developments which we will be communicating to you by Newsletter from time to time on the Forum and also on the web site. Keep and eye out for the video features as this comes together. Father Chrsitmas was very kind to me this year and replaced by defunked camera for me with a very suffisticated digital jobby that has buttons that you need a degree in media to understand their function.
Our news sales manager, David 'Dave' Leigh has put an enormous effort into developing the new web site together with our IT consultant, Trevor Rutherford. I am sure you will get to know David in time - he's originally from NZ - a country renowned for their boat building skills and exploits! Make yourself know to David if you get the chance - david@lochin.com finds him!
Well I had better sign off with our veery best wishesa to you all from us all at Lochin and we look forward to our contact during the year. We will be attending the Seawork Show in June and hopefully the September Southampton Show if we can get space. We look forward to seeing you during the year.