Hi all, As the frige I placed last year in Tommie appeared to be much to small if Chantal's thirsty family comes by, and the space under the front bench was used for storing things we don't realy need, I made a 80 ltr. refrigerator in it. the compressor I placed on the coolest place deep down under the wheelhouse floor.
so if you ever are close to our marina, I can serve you a < 4 degrees beer.
Hi Tobbe, Sorry, but I din't make pictures when building it. I just covered the available space under the bench with 50 mm thick hardfoam isolation plate, so the space directed the model of the frige. I used cardboard to make the inside layout and brought this over on a stainless steel plate. Afraid it would not fit inn when ready, I took al dimensions 1 cm smaller. After cutting, bending and (spot) welding it I glued the stainless steel box in. After that I made the cover who goes 25 mm ( who ever copy this: make it 50 mm with 50 mm isolation ) in the stainless steel box and screwed it ,filled with isolation, against the wooden cover plate. after that I placed the vaporiser in the frige and drilled a hole for the connection pipe between vaporiser and compressor and thermo wire.
I used a cooling unit from Isostar, Type classic compact GE 80 12/24 volt for 80 ltr. This comes with 2 mtr. copper pipe, so long enough to place the compressor cool and deep down under the cabin floor, where we don't even hear it when it starts up. It's using 3 amp. at 24 volt, but when at 4-5 degrees it starts only 4 times per hour and runs only a few minutes.
After 3 days there was a bit of water in Tommie's hull, who is normaly bone dry. Inspection learned I forgot to isolate the copper pipe comming from the compressor who becomes very cold and condence moist out of the surrounding air in water.