Hi all, just a quick update. Boat delivered today (friday), to be fitted out. Unfortunately delays in moulding mean the build slot has been missed. So for about a month so she will just be sat on the cradle....but at least its here! Also saw this 'cat'? nearby, not a new Lochin development is it? SIMON?
Hi Harold thanks for that. The bubbly will be well chilled by the time my boat is finished next year!! How is your boat.....are you still on the never ending jobs that are part of being a boat owner.....? I dont know why, but now i only have my little 16 foot boat i really miss going down to the mooring to do some 'little' jobs on the Seaward. Just wondering what size D fender you have around your boat? Have been trying to find out from Robbie diesel, on here, how tough it was to get the 6 inch fender around his when he built it, but he hasn't been on here for a long time..... my builder is going to fit it anyway! Will post more photo's when she gets started. Cheers, Dave.
Hello Simon, was that new 'Lochin' designed from a bathtub by any chance? Look at the sleek lines...the flare of the bow...the chines to enable her to plane.....does she have trim tabs? Elephant power eh.....guess she wouldn't need tabs! I wouldn't take this development too far unless you think that everyone will need an ark soon....i know about rising sea levels due to global warming etc, but what have you heard?? Dave.
The Lochin 85 looks exactly like the boat I need. If August 2010 is as bad as 2009 then I will consider doing a swap. September has been a near wash out too. I don't know what it has been like on the South coast of England but the West coast of Scotland has been deluged with rain accompanied by strong winds!!!!!!
I am still hoping we get a good few weeks weather yet, and the chance to do some more fishing.
Your boats looking good Dave. When are you hoping to launch her?
Hi Dave, I see your Christmas present has arrived early.! Fantastic.!It fairly brings back memories of our own build.! Yes, we fitted the 6" Fendering on our boat. It was no problem to fit and it really helps to disguise the large flat vertical Gunwhale extension on the Lochin 333. I think the 4" suits the early models the best, but the 333 almost NEEDS the 6" because of this raised ringdeck. Its the Bronze Tint windows we fiited, as recommended by Simon. It gives the boat a nice sleek look and its completely clear from the inside looking out so has no effect on night time vision at all. If we can ever help, or if you ever need pictures of anything on our boat we'd be delighted to help. All the best with your new build!
Hi Martin, sorry to hear about the bad weather on the west coast of Scotland....i guess the guy that bought my Seaward won't have been using her much then as he is in Mull. Not been too bad down in the west country....i managed to get out a bit in my little 16 footer....not too far though! I am pleased to have the Lochin closer to home and look forward to building commencement with completion early next year....i hope! Good luck with the fishing. Cheers, Dave.
Hi Robbie, yeah christmas has come early.....for the next few years as well! Thanks for the offer of photo's and advice to help....i am sure i will be taking you up on that! I have been talking to Simon about your boat as she is (and i do not mean to offend anyone else either!) the nicest harbour pilot i have seen and i will be very happy if mine turns out the same! I have opted for the six inch D fender as well, because the ringdeck on mine has been slightly raised even further than normal. Did you have the bronze tint windows all round or are the front ones clear? Cheers, Dave.
Thank you for the Kind Compliments on Alison Rose. All Lochins look the business, I guess ours is just closest to what you are building yourself & therefore of more interest just now. I remember when we were buiding ours "Springer" was our inspiration, and we were constantly running through the video of her sea trials checking hoe they had done various parts of the boat. Happy Days! We have the bronze tint in all the glass, including the front ones. Standing inside the wheelhouse looking out, they look completely clear. Looks lovely from the outsid tho. Happy to help in any way. The boats two minutes away to take pictures any time.
Hi Robbie, when i started looking at the harbour pilot Simon took me onboard 'Springer' up in Newhaven, as she was then up for sale, to look around, with the view to buying her. Soon afterwards really, i made up my mind to get the mouldings and have them fitted out locally and have been looking at various photo's on the net of different Lochins and their wheelhouse arrangements and interior colour schemes ever since, but hopefully i have finally reached a decision! Looking forward to getting started now though and thanks for your offers of photo's. Best wishes. Dave.